Department of scientific, educational and methodological support for the preschool and primary education content modernization at the New Ukrainian School

The department is a structural subdivision of the Institute, which provides scientific and educational and methodological support for the modernization of the content of preschool and primary education in the context of the implementation of state policy in the field of preschool and primary general education; The main aspects of activity are: organization of development of the content of preschool and primary education for the purpose of its innovative development; preparation of information and analytical materials, methodical recommendations; accumulation and generalization of perspective domestic and foreign experience of development of preschool and primary education; coordinating the implementation of psychological and pedagogical innovations, particularly the main provisions of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School; organization of scientific, methodical, psychological, and pedagogical expertise; preparation of proposals for organizational, administrative, and regulatory documents drafts which are regulating the activities of preschool and general secondary education institutions; organization of development of methodical recommendations concerning educational and methodical maintenance and organization of educational process; coordination of the activity of scientific and methodical commissions on the issues of preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education; formation of the list of educational programs, textbooks and teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; organization of scientific, practical,
educational, and methodical measures to ensure the structural, methodological and semantic connection of preschool education, primary and basic general secondary education; cooperation with institutes of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, departments of preschool and primary education of classical pedagogical universities, regional institutes / academies of postgraduate pedagogical education, scientific and methodical centers (methodical offices) and other institutions, public organizations in solving
topical issues of preschool and primary general education; implementation of applied research on didactic and methodological support of modernization and organizational and methodological support for the introduction of the content of preschool and primary general education; preparation of scientific, methodical and information materials for the pedagogical press, professional journals on topical issues of modernization of preschool and primary general education.

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