Department of education management

The Department is a structural subdivision of the Institute, which ensures the realization of state policy on education management.
The main functions of the Department are:
– coordination of the activities of educational institutions on the development, implementation and support of the functioning of the education management system: material and technical base, legal documentation and educational and methodological literature;
– monitoring changes in legal regulations on innovation in the field of education management;
– systematization and dissemination of best practices of pedagogical heads of educational institutions of different types and forms of ownership;
– organizing and conducting meetings, seminars, conferences on issues of educational management in educational institutions;
– organization of scientific and methodological support of innovative activities in the field of priority areas aimed at the formation of the educational environment through the modernization of educational institutions;
– development of methodical recommendations for management staff of educational institutions;
– preparation of informative and analytical materials based on the results of monitoring studies;
– study and generalization of international and domestic experience in the management of education.

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