Innovative Activity

The Library and Information system “School electronic library” SLIC-info”

Library and information system "School electronic library" SLIC-info" is aimed at solving the problem of information support for the school through equipping the school library with the necessary tools and modern tools of information processing, through the establishment of a new basis of library and information services for all participants of educational and educative process.

The Integrated Course “Natural Sciences”

Educational and methodical support

According to the program of the experiment (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science from August 3, 2018 No. 863) it is planned to gradually
develop the necessary educational and methodological support (textbooks and manuals for students; manuals for teachers, electronic educational resources, etc.) of the experimental integrated course "Natural Sciences". Working materials prepared by the author's teams for the pilot institutions of general secondary education are posted at the links.

project No. 1

“Natural Sciences. Integrated course. Grades 10-11”

Author's team: Dyomina I.O., Zadoyanny V.A., Kostyk S.I.

Is being expected

project No. 2

"Natural Sciences. Integrated course. Grades 10-11"

The author's team under the direction of Zasekina T.M.

Website of the Ukrainian Educational Publishing Center "Orion"

project No. 3

«Natural Sciences. The past, present and possible future of humanity and the

biosphere. Integrated course. Grades 10-11»

Author’s team: Shabanov D.A., Kozlenko O.G.

Website of the professor of biological faculty of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

project No. 4

"Natural Sciences. Grades 10-11. Integrated course»

The author's team under the direction of Ilchenko V.R.

Integrated course "Natural Sciences"

The authors will be grateful for approbation of materials, constructive criticism, corrections, advice, etc. Suggestions, corrections, materials on the use of integrated learning methods, please send to the authors for generalization and consideration in the work to the addresses posted on the sites.


Psychological support, social and pedagogical operations

Psychological service is a necessary component of the educational system that ensures the development of personal, intellectual, and professional potential of society.

The psychological service of the educational system of Ukraine is an important part of the holistic educational system, which combines scientific, applied, practical and organizational aspects.

Psychological service of the educational system of Ukraine provides timely and systematic study of psychophysical development of personality, motives of its behavior and activities taking into account age, intellectual, physical, sexual and other individual characteristics, promotes conditions for self-development and self-education, educational and educational tasks.

According to the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, where a significant role is given to highly qualified psychologists and social educators in the formation and upbringing of every child, a worthy citizen - a patriot of Ukraine, it is not enough to learn - you need to learn to use them effectively throughout life.


Materials for use in work during military operations


“Trauma Surviving and Hope”.  The six picture booklets in the Trauma Surviving and Hope series were created together with teenagers for teenagers and young adults aged at 12 to 25. The purpose of the booklets is helping young people to recognize psychological trauma and find effective psychological support to overcome it. Main topics: insomnia, problems with attention and memory, pain, fits of rage, aggression, avoidance of surroundings, sadness, etc. You will find booklets by following: A resource with materials for parents on how they can help their traumatized children. You will find materials in Ukrainian by following:

Educational initiatives of institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education. Telegram channel "SUPPORT THE CHILD": THE CHANNEL WAS

Psychological support project "NERBY" has been launched in Ukraine


Prevention of sexual violence

Sexual violence. Safe behavior. Interrogation
Video about taking age characteristics into account while conducting an
Formation of safe behavior and protection from sexual violence:
Useful videos about consent to sex, sexual violence, harassment:
Article on how to talk to children about sexual violance:
Articles on sexual violence during hostilities:
Leaflet on combating sexual violence
A child has been sexually abused: what to do and where to go. Algorithm for medical examination of victims of sexual violence
How to support rape survivors?
Interacting with a child who is (probably) sexually abused


Psychological support, where to contact

Exercises for children and teenagers who are in a stressful situation to relieve psycho-emotional tension

Helping for the specialists of the psychological service of the education system of Ukraine

End-to-end program of extracurricular health education "Fundamentals of life safety in the conditions of hostilities"

Methodological recommendations for the end-to-end educational program for extracurricular health education"Fundamentals of life safety in the conditions of hostilities"

The best practices of psychological and pedagogical support and support for the participants of educational process in the conditions of hostilities and armed conflicts, provision of social and psychological assistance to victims of violence and human trafficking

Methods and questionnaire of depression and anxiety

Search for reserves or Psychological support for displaced children from the ATO area and their family members

Psychological assistance to children in crisis situations

Parable as a method of psychological consulting

Techniques of psychological self-help, educational training

How to survive wartime safely?

First psychological aid. Brief instructions

Basics of crisis intervention. Debriefing

Games for relieving fatigue, tension, aggression


Children and war. Workbook

Children with the status of an internally displaced person

Recommendations for parents on the prevention of children’s post-traumatic

stress disorders

9 phrases that should not be said to children about war

Practical recommendations for parents: How to help a child after a traumatic


Tips for parents

How to help a child in a state of stress

Behavioral characteristics of children who are bound to migration

Children's psychology during the war: first aid, elimination of unwanted


What does the psychology of war say?

Games for children’s stress relief

Israeli emergency protocol for children who have experienced a stressful event

How to establish contact with a child who has experienced a traumatic experience

Recording of webinars on the provision of psychological first aid and psychological assistance in case of loss

All-Ukrainian seminar-meeting of psychological service specialists in the  education system
Learning together: preventing and combating violence
"Countering and responding to cases of violence against children in the conditions of distance learning in the period of COVID-19": a webinar was held at the SSI “Institute of Education Content Modernization” for pedagogical employees of educational institutions
Results of the jury meeting of the 3rd stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of authors' programs of practical psychologists and social pedagogues "New technologies in a new school" in the nomination "Development programs"
All-Ukrainian scientific and methodical online conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of psychological service in the education system of Ukraine
We are reforming, modernizing, improving extracurricular education
Vocational orientation work in the activity of an educational institution: the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar was held
Jury meeting of the 3rd stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of authors' programs of practical psychologists and social pedagogues"New technologies in a new school" in the nomination "Development programs"
How to ensure the psychological well-being of teachers in the conditions of the educational process of NUS is one of the main issues that has become the subject of discussion among the participants of the online seminar
We are informing about advanced training courses for practical psychologists and social pedagogues
Planned events by regional centers of practical psychology and social work in 2018
Planned events by regional centers of practical psychology and social work in November-December, 2017

Information base of professional tools of psychological service specialists in the education system of Ukraine

diagnostic work;
consulting work;
corrective and developmental work;
preventive work;
educational activity;
organizational and methodical work.

Educational and methodical manuals

A list of directions for lectures, courses (special courses), practical classes, trainings, etc., for improving the qualifications of IPPE teaching staff on preventing and countering violence

The list of areas of professional development courses for teaching staff in 2018-2019 regarding the prevention and counteraction of domestic violence

List of corrective and developmental programs for special general educational
institutions for children with special educational needs

Printed editions for educators, psychologists, social workers and public activists

Materials for use by employees of the psychological service

Educational and methodological materials for psychologists:

psychodiagnostic work;

consulting work;

corrective, restorative, and developmental work;

psychological education;

educational activity organizational and methodical work;

organizational and methodical work

Elective courses

Career guidance work

Regional, city, centers (offices) of psychological service

Conferences and seminars

All-Ukrainian scientific and methodical online conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of psychological service in the education system of Ukraine

All-Ukrainian level experiment on the topic "Formation of humanistic relations among the participants of educational process through the implementation of the "Peaceful School" model in 2019-2022

General secondary education institutions that are participating in the implementation of the "Peaceful School" model School mediation. Experience of the public organization "Institute of Peace and

Guidance on building resilience during the coronavirus outbreak10 lessons from the Institute of Peace and Understanding regarding the implementation of school understanding services
Animated video about the "Peaceful School" model





STEM (S – science, T – technology, E – engineering, M – mathematics) – natural sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics. The acronym STEM is used to denote a popular field in education that comprises science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Strengthening the role of STEM education is one of the priorities of education modernization, an integral part of the state policy of increasing the level of competitiveness of the national economy and the development of human capital, one of the main factors of innovative activity in the field of education that accords to the demands of the economy and the needs of society.

STEM education is aimed at the development of the individual through the formation of competencies, a natural scientific picture of the world, worldview positions and life values with using a transdisciplinary approach to learning based on the practical application of scientific, mathematical, technical, and engineering knowledge and skills for solving practical problems for their further use in professional activities.

The use of the leading principle of STEM education - integration, allows to modernize the methodological foundations, content, volume of educational material of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle, technology of the learning process and form: skills of solving difficult (complex) practical problems, critical thinking, creative qualities and cognitive flexibility, organizational and communication skills, the ability to assess problems and make decisions, readiness for a conscious choice and mastering the future profession, financial literacy, a holistic scientific outlook, value orientations, general cultural, technological, communicative and social competences, mathematical and natural literacy; all-round development of the personality by identifying its inclinations and abilities; skills of mastering means of cognitive,
experimental and practical activity; education of a person who strives for lifelong education, formation of skills of practical and creative application of acquired knowledge. A significant role in the integrative approach to the implementation of STEM education is assigned to mathematics: its consistent, thorough, high-quality teaching.

While implementing the main tasks, the development of STEM education in educational institutions is ensured at the following levels:

primary – stimulation of curiosity and support of interest in learning and the search for knowledge, motivation for independent research, creation of simple devices, constructions, scientific and technical creativity;

basic – forming a stable interest in natural and mathematical subjects, mastering technological literacy and problem-solving skills, involvement in research, invention, project activities, which will make it possible to increase the share of those who seek to choose scientific, technical, engineering professions;

profile - in-depth mastery of the system of knowledge and skills of STEM
education using methods of scientific research, implementation of innovative

higher/professional – formation of specialists in various scientific and technical, engineering professions on the basis of institutions of higher education, as well as improvement of professional skills of pedagogical workers in the implementation of new teaching methods, relevant courses and implementation of innovative projects.

STEM education is being implemented in the conditions of integration of all types of education: formal, informal.

The development of STEM education is ensured through the cooperation of representatives of educational institutions and academic scientific institutions, scientific research laboratories, scientific museums, nature centers, enterprises, public and other organizations, including their involvement in creating an educational environment of educational institutions.

For the effective development of STEM education, the primary tasks are: the development of scientific and methodological support and the introduction of modern teaching tools; training and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers; expanding the network of regional STEM centers/laboratories; conducting scientific and applied research; analysis of the development process and dynamics of the development of STEM education, identification of problems and forecasting of further trends in the implementation of STEM education.

Research and experimental work at the all-Ukrainian level on the topic “Development of business education in Ukraine as an element of the state policy of promoting the development of entrepreneurship”

The purpose of the research is to substantiate the importance of business education for the stabilization of the economy and the mechanism of its implementation in the conditions of globalization of the world educational space.

Implementing the set purpose requires:

carrying out a systematic analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature, regulatory documents on the topic of research;
determining the existing models of business education, to investigate their characteristics and effectiveness of application in the conditions of globalization of the world educational space;
carrying out an analysis of the development of business education abroad;
revealing the economic significance of business education in the conditions of the transformation of the national economy;
proposing the directions for development and improvement of business education management in Ukraine;
justifying the model of formation of business knowledge with the help of education and science, business environment, civil society;
creating and testing a new business education course in educational institutions;
preparing educational and methodological materials based on the results of the implementation of innovative technology - business simulation - in the conditions of the organization of the educational process of the educational institution;
providing organizational, technical, informative resources for immersing the student in the business environment by using business games and business simulations, as a result of which the student has the opportunity to feel himself in various managerial roles with further internships at business entities.

The Pedagogical Technology “Rostok”

The purpose is the formation of abilities for self-development and self-realization of the individual on the basis of integration, an active approach to education and upbringing. Relevance. Creation of developmental educational programs focused on the formation of abilities to:
- self-organization;
- self-study;
- self-development.

The main tasks of the project:
- increasing the level of physical, mental, moral, intellectual, spiritual and creative development of students in the process of organizing active activities based on integration;
– humanization and environmentalization of the content, pedagogical technologies and teaching methods implemented in the scientific and educational and methodological support of the pedagogical process of the

Research-experimental work at the all-Ukrainian level on the topic “Development of initiative and entrepreneurship of students as a component of formation of readiness for studying and professional career in market conditions”

The purpose of the research is the substantiation and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of students' readiness to function in market conditions through the development of key competencies of initiative and entrepreneurship.

Tasks of research and experimental work:
Analyzing the state of working out the problem of development of the key competence initiative and entrepreneurship of students in foreign and domestic pedagogical theory and practice.
Determining the indicators of the effectiveness of the introduction of lessons with an entrepreneurial background based on a systematic analysis of the educational process of a comprehensive educational institution.
Designing the activities of students and teachers, the organization of their interaction in the context of lessons with an entrepreneurial background during after-school training and school entrepreneurship clubs.
Working out the criteria for expert evaluation of the system of work of a general educational institution regarding the development of initiative and entrepreneurship.
Developing methodical recommendations regarding the use of the work system of the general educational institution for the development of initiative and entrepreneurship.
Preparing materials on issues of providing organizational and methodical support, including the necessary documentation on planning, forecasting, monitoring and control.

The Innovative All-Ukrainian Educational Project “I am a researcher”

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from April 13, 2018 No. 366 the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization” is implementing the innovative all-Ukrainian educational project on the topic "I am a researcher" in 2018-2021. Organizational, scientific and methodical, diagnostic, material and technical support is being carried out in accordance with the Application and Project Program with the assistance of the authors of the initiative LLC "Publishing House”Education”.

The purpose of the implementation of the innovative all-Ukrainian educational project "I am a researcher" is to create pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the research method of education using IT and STEM technologies.

In accordance with the purpose, the following project implementation tasks were determined and substantiated:

To determine, describe and scientifically justify the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the research method of education in institutions of general secondary education using IT and STEM technologies.

Develop educational and methodological support for the educational and research activities of students.

To prepare teachers for the use of STEM and research approaches, organization of educational and research activities of students.

Develop teaching and methodical materials (curriculum, training programs, teaching aids, methodical recommendations, etc.) and carry out their approval.

Provide advisory support and accompanying monitoring of Project implementation.

To develop a pedagogical model for organizing students'; educational and research activities using IT and STEM technologies.

Develop an electronic resource for information support of the Project.

Inform the pedagogical community about the results of the Project implementation.

General educational institutions are participating in the project in accordance with the appendix of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from April 13, 2018 No. 366.

During the process of implementation of the "I am a researcher" project, educational institutions that are working on solving similar problems can join.

Scientific management will be carried out by the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization” personally by the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, First Deputy Director Yuri Ivanovich Zavalevskyi (tel. (044) 245-41-92,

Research and experimental work of the all-Ukrainian level on the topic “Scientific and methodological principles of the formation of the unified network-centric information and educational environment of general educational institutions of Ukraine”

The purpose of the research is to substantiate scientifically and experimentally verify experimentally the effectiveness of the scientific and methodological foundations of the formation of the unified network-centric environment of general educational institutions, which will definitely ensure the integrated use of scientific and educational resources on the basis of the unified information
space in the pedagogical system of education of Ukraine.

Tasks of research and experimental work:

To study the state of development of the problem of forming the unified network-centric environment of general educational institutions to ensure effective interaction of all subjects of educational activity in theory and practice. To find out the content and structure of the concepts "network-centric environment", "effective educational interaction", "informatics culture", "repository of electronic educational resources".
To clarify and substantiate scientifically the criteria, indicators, levels of development of the IT culture of all schoolchildren by means of educational and research activities and select the appropriate diagnostic tools.
To substantiate scientifically and verify experimentally the effectiveness of the concept of forming the unified network-centric environment of general educational institutions.
To develop and test experimentally the effectiveness of knowledge-oriented IT to ensure effective educational interaction of all subjects of educational activity.
To develop network means of software informational, educational and methodical support for the formation and development of the unified network-centric environment of general educational institutions.

The All-Ukrainian Level Experiment “Professional orientation in the New Ukrainian School”

Relevance of research

Ukraine is a part of the global world and together with it the country is undergoing a period of transformation of social and economic relations, which lead to significant changes in the labor market. New trends, such as the rapid development of innovations and technologies, the emergence of new specialties at the intersection of several industries, new forms and types of employment, increased competition, increased migration, the possibility of constantly changing the place of work and profession put forward new requirements for the possession of knowledge, abilities and skills. Soft universal interprofessional skills (soft skills), such as knowledge and information management, self-organization, negotiation, the ability to analyze and make effective decisions, solve complex problems, allow us to adapt to new conditions quickly, and together with specialized knowledge to gain competitiveness and demand in the labor market.

Today we are seeing dozens of new professions that were unimaginable 10 years ago. The professions that have already existed and the professions of the future reflect our world - diverse, dynamic and interesting, with many opportunities for each person, according to his abilities, talents, knowledge, competences, skills and ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions.

In 2020, the World Economic Forum in Davos (WEF) in its report"The Future of Professions" identifies active learning and learning strategies, analytical thinking and innovation as one of the most important skills for a successful career in a changing world. According to the WEF, these skills will enable us to adapt to a changing world in which, according to their estimates, 85 million jobs could be lost by 2025 due to the shift in the division of labor between humans  and machines. At the same time, 97 million new roles could emerge that will be more adapted to the new division of labor among humans, machines and algorithms in 15 sectors of the economy.

According to the State Employment Center, today 31% of the unemployed are young people under the age of 35. The largest share of unemployed young people in Ukraine, 50%, have a higher education, 33% graduated from a professional (vocational and technical) education institution (ZP(PT)O), and 17% graduated from a general secondary education institution (ZZSO).

According to the dates of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, in 2018, among the total number of unemployed people who have been looking for job for more than 12 months, young people aged 15–34 made up about 40%.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the number of young people who have been unemployed for more than one year, some of them are forced to be in a state of long-term unemployment from the very beginning of their work activity. In 2018, among the graduates of higher education institutions (HEI) who received the services of the state employment service, 33% were educated in the field of social sciences, business and law, 13% - in engineering specialties, 12% - in the field of health care, 11 % - in the fields of humanities and arts. Today, 44% of graduates of higher education institutions are not working according to their specialty, and 29% of graduates are working in a specialty related to the specialty they received only partially.

High-quality professional orientation is impossible without the active participation of general secondary education, vocational training, professional pre-higher education (colleges, technical schools), higher education institutions and employers because they are the ones who guide graduates of educational institutions to the labor market. According to the views of all participants of the educational process, it is necessary to create opportunities for those education seekers to try different types of activities and practices with the assistance of employers, in factories and enterprises, in educational institutions.

The professional guidance system is an opportunity for the economy to become more efficient, for society - to become fairer. A conscious choice of a profession is an important step towards the successful personal and professional self-realization of young people, the development of a future career and life priorities.

All of the above determined the choice of the topic of the experiment for the purpose of developing and experimentally verifying the effectiveness of the implementation of the "Professional Orientation at the New Ukrainian School" model from June 2021 to December 2026.

Innovative educational project on the topic “Using digital systems for monitoring the success of students in vocational (vocational and technical) education institutions” from 2021 to 2026 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from October 13, 2021 No. 1101)

Project implementation base: institutions of vocational (vocational and technical) education in Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Odesa and Sumy regions (the Vocational and Technical School No. 6 (Dnipropetrovsk Region); the Higher Vocational School No. 20 in Lviv; the State Educational Institution "Odesa Vocational Lyceum of Construction and Architecture"; the State Educational Institution "Odesa Center of Vocational and Technical Education"; the State Educational Institution "Glukhiv Higher Vocational College"; the State Educational Institution "Sumy Interregional Higher Vocational College").

Research supervisor - Mykola Anatoliyovych Pryhodiy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Service at the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov.

The purpose of the innovative activity is to substantiate theoretically, develop and verify experimentally the methodology of monitoring and diagnostics for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of digital systems for monitoring the success of students in vocational (vocational and technical) education institutions by introducing the e-journal "Atoms" into the educational process.

Project implementation tasks:

to study and analyze theoretical and practical experience in the use of digital systems for monitoring the success of students in vocational (vocational and technical) education institutions;

to develop criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of the e-journal in the educational activities of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions;

to develop methodical recommendations regarding the use of the e-journal “Atoms” in the educational activities of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions;

to organize training, consultations, meetings with the aim of training teaching staff to use the e-journal "Atoms"; in the educational process of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions;

to implement the e-magazine "Atoms" into the educational activities of professional (vocational and technical) education institutions.

Innovative educational project on the topic “the New Ukrainian school, university, community, government – coordination of interaction on the TeachHub intellectual platform” from 2021 to 2026 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from September 29, 2021 No. 1041)

Project implementation base: educational institutions in Zaporizhzhya, Vinnytsia, Cherkasy regions and higher educational institutions (Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University; Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University; Kharkiv National Pedagogical University).

Scientific supervisors:
Solonenko Anatoly Mykolayovych, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Rector of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University; Moskalyova Lyudmila Yuryivna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,  Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of Melitopol State Pedagogical University
named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

The purpose of the project is to create conditions for subjects interested in educational reforms, under which the fulfillment of their agreed tasks and functions, the implementation of optimal efforts, time and means will ensure the achievement of a concrete result of the implementation of further reforms, projected in the concept of the New Ukrainian School.


To substantiate theoretically the methodology of implementing the socio-cultural mission of the pedagogical university on the scientific foundations of the post-
non-classical paradigm.

To monitor the peculiarities, differences and effectiveness of the perception of the educational process of the NUS by subjects and stakeholders.

To develop scientific and methodological support for developing, stimulating, corrective psychological and pedagogical technologies of psychological support of the NUS and its system examination.

To develop and implement a set of program activities for educational and methodological support, professional support, counseling of participants in the educational process on topical issues of implementation of the Concept of the NUS, educational programs and curricula, implementation of modern learning technologies, use of information, communication and digital technologies, etc.; mentoring aimed at developing the professional competence of teachers, heads (deputy heads) of educational institutions.

To create an intellectual platform for the implementation of further educational reforms related to the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian School in cooperation with the community and the authorities.

To direct the application of knowledge, experience and other opportunities of the university beyond the traditional academic educational environment in the establishment of partnership interaction between the school, authorities and communities of various levels in order to implement the tasks of the NUS, to build a democratic model of management of the educational institution, and to realize the influence of the pedagogical university on society in solving strategic goals, operational tasks, procedures for continuing the tasks of the New Ukrainian School concept at the basic level of general secondary education institutions.

To determine the socio-cultural effectiveness of the conceptual foundations of the interaction of subjects interested in educational reforms.

Innovative educational project on the theme “I am a researcher 2.0 (didactic system of elementary science and mathematics education)” from 2021 to 2024 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from September 20, 2021 No. 999)

Project implementation base: general secondary education institutions of Zaporizhzhia and Volyn regions (the Communal institution "Lutsk Gymnasium No. 21 named after Mykhailo Kravchuk of the Lutsk City Council of Volyn Region"; the Communal institution of general secondary education "Balabinsk Gymnasium "Prestige" of Kushugum Village Council of Zaporizhia District of Zaporizhia Region).

Research supervisor - Gushchyna Nataliya Ivanivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Open Educational Systems and Information and Communication Technologies of the Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of the State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The purpose of implementation is the development and approval of the didactic system of science and mathematics education in elementary school.

Project implementation tasks:

To develop and substantiate scientifically the didactic system of elementary science and mathematics education "I am a researcher 2.0". To develop and test educational and methodological support for science and mathematics education (STEM education) in the conditions of implementation of the State Standard of Primary Education.

To check experimentally the possibilities of implementing the educational branches of the State Standard of Primary Education through subject and integrated training.

To check the effectiveness of the didactic system of elementary science and mathematics education "I am a researcher 2.0".

To prepare teachers for the introduction of educational and methodical support of elementary science and mathematics education.

To inform the pedagogical community about the results of the Project implementation.

Innovative educational project on the topic “Creating a model of an adaptive information and educational environment of an elementary school” from 2022 to 2027 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from March 16, 2022 No. 245)

Base of the research: Volodymyretsky district collegium of Volodymyretsk district council of Rivne region; Rivne specialized school of grades I-III "Center of Hope"; Zdolbunivsk gymnasium of Zdolbunivsk city council of Rivne region; Rivne secondary school of grades I-III No. 13 of Rivne City Council; Lyubikovytsky Lyceum of Sarna City Council of Sarna District of Rivne  Region; Sarna Primary School of Sarna City Council, Sarna District, Rivne Region; the Communal institution "Sarna Center for Professional Development of Pedagogical Workers" of Sarna City Council, Sarna District, Rivne Region; Rivne Academic Lyceum "Prestige" named after Lilia Kotovska Rivne City Council; Cherkasy Collegium "Bereginia" of Cherkasy City Council of Cherkasy Region.

The purpose of the research is to develop and justify the model of the adaptive information and educational environment of the primary school and to create educational, didactic, methodical and technological support for the educational process and the teaching of subjects that are an invariant component of the basic plan of the primary school in the context of the implementation of the "New Ukrainian School" Concept in accordance with the current standard of primary school education, which is based on integrated, project-based, research-cognitive and personalized approaches with the use of digital technologies in the conditions of mixed learning.

Tasks of the research:

development and implementation of a model of an adaptive information and educational environment of an elementary school in the conditions of digital transformation of education;

development of educational, didactic, methodical and technological support of the educational process and teaching primary school students subjects of the invariant component of the curriculum;

experimental verification of the effectiveness of the implementation of the model of the adaptive information and educational environment of the primary school and the corresponding educational, didactic, methodical and technological support of the educational process and the training of students in the subjects of the invariant component of the primary school curriculum;

development of a teacher training program to implement a model of an adaptive information and educational environment and developed educational, didactic, methodical and technological support in accordance with the conceptual principles of digital transformation of primary education and the implementation of the "New Ukrainian School" Concept;

development of criteria for the readiness of all subjects of the educational process to implement an innovative model of an adaptive informational and educational environment of an elementary school in the conditions of digital transformation of education and implementation of the "New Ukrainian School" Concept;

development of a diagnostic system and tools for analyzing students' educational achievements in the form of a "feedback loop" and criteria, indicators of student success, teachers'; and parents' reflections using formative assessment technologies and a developed model of an adaptive information and educational environment:

development of an electronic learning management system to ensure the organization of the educational process based on the developed model of the adaptive information and educational environment of the primary school.