All-Ukrainian level experiments

The project “Organizational and pedagogical principles of service maintenance of educational institutions in the context of decentralization of education management”

The project management department presented a research project “Organizational and pedagogical principles of service maintenance of educational institutions in terms of decentralization of education management.” It was considered and approved by the Academic Council of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization” (Minutes № 2 of June 23, 2017). The aim of the project is to develop the structure, principles, functions and content of activity of education authorities of united territorial communities (UTCs), aimed at overcoming traditional schemes of education management and methodological services, and reorienting them in the direction of consulting services based on a clear delineation of powers of education authorities and methodological institutions in decentralization. The project is planned to be implemented in three stages. The project is based on legislation in the field of education, state regulations and documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine governing the functioning of the educational system and the activities of scientific and methodological institutions in terms of decentralization of education management, in particular, the Law of Ukraine “On Voluntary Association of territorial communities”, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, approved by the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the letters of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which contain recommendations for the formation of education authorities and their structural units, activities of methodical offices, hub schools, etc. However, at the legislative level, the activities of UTCs in the management of educational institutions located on their territory are still unregulated, so the results of the project provide for the preparation and development of:

1) recommendations on defining the limits of powers of local executive bodies and local self-government in the field of education;
2) Standard Regulations on education management bodies of UTCs and service centers for servicing (methodological, logistical, financial, etc.) of educational institutions in the conditions of decentralization of power and formation of territorial communities;
3) methodical recommendations on introduction of organizational bases and providing methodical services to educational institutions, pedagogical workers of UTCs by consultation.

The innovative educational project of all-Ukrainian level on the topic “Didactic and methodical, educational support for the implementation of the conceptual foundations of the reform of basic secondary education”

The relevance of the project topic, on the one hand, is due to the need to reform basic secondary education in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Complete General Secondary Education”, as well as goals and values ​​defined by the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education. On the other hand, the positive results of the experiment on the topic “Didactic and methodological and educational support for the implementation of the conceptual foundations of reforming primary education” (scientific supervisor – Tsymbalaru A.D.), which provide grounds for developing appropriate didactic and methodological, educational support, as well as verification its effectiveness in the 5-9th grades of general secondary education institutions. In particular, the results of approbation of the integrated educational system in the real educational process showed that 99.029% of students are psychologically comfortable to study, 84.851% have a positive motivation to learn. In addition, 94.174% of primary school students do not have negative health dynamics. We also have convincing results in improving the quality of education - 88%. It should be noted that the results of the survey of the parent community encourage the continuation of innovative project activities initiated at the level of primary education. The results of studying the problem of organization of education in general secondary education encourage the improvement of existing practices in accordance with the needs and requirements of modern society, updating systematic and integrated approaches to learning, emphasizing the values ​​of modern education, strengthening its competence potential. The implementation of such steps will enable the full and successful implementation of the components of the educational process. The available didactic and methodical, educational support of the educational process needs to be updated in accordance with the adopted normative and legal documents of the education system. In particular, it is advisable to focus on the personal students’ development, the formation of value and motivational areas, their acquisition of skills of successful interaction in the team, self- and mutual evaluation, reflection. It is also necessary during the organization of the educational process in the 5-9 th grades to focus on the formation of students’ key competencies, covering knowledge, skills, abilities, values, attitudes, experience and ability to apply what is acquired during educational activities in different situations, the development of cross-cutting skills, which in the future will provide students with a conscious choice of life goals and a motivated attitude to life and health, society, nature, work, education and art, the ability to express themselves creatively. Thus, the relevance of the project theme is determined by the contradiction between updating the paradigm of basic secondary education, which provides personal, activity and competence orientation of the educational process, and lack of didactic and methodological, educational support of its system organization in general secondary education.

The innovative educational project of the all-Ukrainian level on the topic “Introduction of the pedagogical technology “Rostok” into the educational process in the conditions of the implementation of the State standard of basic secondary education”

Relevance. Creation of developmental educational programs focused on the formation of abilities for: self-organization; self-study; self-development.

The educational program of the primary school based on the pedagogical technology “Rostok” provides for the planning and organization of a single set of educational components of primary education, defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, the State standard of primary education, developed under the leadership of O. Ya. Savchenko.

The purpose of primary education is the comprehensive development of the child, his talents, abilities, competences and comprehensive skills in accordance with age and individual psychophysiological characteristics and needs, the formation of values ​​and the development of independence, creativity, curiosity, which ensure his readiness for life in a democratic and information society, continued studying in primary school. The educational program for the1-2 grades of primary school, working according to the "Rostok" pedagogical technology, provides for the application of the principles defined in the Standard educational programs of primary school, namely: child- centeredness and naturalness; coordination of goals, content and expected learning outcomes; scientific, accessible and practical orientation of the content of education; continuity and perspectives of education; interconnected formation of key and subject competencies; logical sequence and sufficiency of students` acquisition of subject competencies; opportunities to implement the content of education through subjects or integrated courses; the teacher`s creative use of the program depending on the learning conditions; adaptation to individual characteristics, intellectual and physical capabilities, needs and interests of children. The implementation of this program also includes: systematic, parallel use of playful, constructive, creative methods and techniques, including eidetics methods; adequate use of the life experience of each child in the process of development of all types of speech activity; - development of self-reflection and reflection in students; the principle of motor activity, preservation of childrenёs psychophysical and spiritual health, and their emotional well-being.

Scientific supervisor:
Pushkaryova Tamara Oleksiivna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Project Activities of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”.
Order of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of April 29, 2021 №. 483 "On the implementation of an innovative educational project at the all-Ukrainian level on the topic "Introduction of the pedagogical technology "Rostok" into the educational process in the conditions of the implementation of the State standard of basic secondary education" for May 2021-November 2027".

All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical project on the topic “Model of provision of educational services in the system of out-of-school (informal) education”

Relevance of research. Today, 61.5% of children in Ukraine between the ages of 3 and 18 are not covered by out-of-school education. There is uneven access to extracurricular education in the city and in the countryside. Of the total number of children receiving extracurricular education, 91% receive it in cities and only 9% in rural areas, which is 12% of the total number of children living there. One of the significant reasons for such a gap in children`s coverage of extracurricular education is the reform of local self-government - decentralization, which is currently underway and involves a change in the financing of extracurricular education, which since 2015 has been taken care of by local budgets. Lack of funds in local budgets causes uneven financing of extracurricular education in different regions and localities. The lack of experience and knowledge of the management of extracurricular education on the ground, a vision of prospects and opportunities for its development, a narrow perception of extracurricular education as a way of spending leisure time, and not as a potential for personality development, acquisition of competences, a way to invest in the development of human resources determines the non-priority of extracurricular education for the authorities of local self-government, forces local authorities to take unpopular steps to optimize the network of out-of-school education institutions by liquidating them. Analysis of the dynamics of the network of out-of-school education institutions reveals that the number of out-of-school education institutions during 2016-2018 decreased by 97 units or by 2.4%, even without taking into account the out-of-school education institutions that functioned in the temporarily occupied territories. The most vulnerable in the situation of reduction of out-of-school education institutions are children from sparsely populated areas, to whom, in the absence of an out-of- school education institution, local authorities do not offer alternative options for obtaining out-of-school education. Insufficient involvement of children in out-of- school education provokes social risks - the spread of antisocial and deviant manifestations (homelessness, neglect, crime, bad habits, cyber addiction, etc.) in a children`s environment that is not involved in meaningful leisure time, deterioration of health.

Thus, the relevance of the research lies in the need to develop and test an alternative to the existing model of providing educational services in the system of out-of-school (informal) education, financed according to the principle of "money follows the student", which would be able to provide in accordance with the time requirements and needs of each child quality and affordable educational services.

The study is conducted within the framework of the Ukrainian-Lithuanian project "Supporting education in areas affected by the conflict in Eastern Ukraine: proper quality assurance of non-formal education": in order to familiarize with the experience of the functioning of non-formal education in the Republic of Lithuania, its adaptation, approval and introduction of elements into the system of extra- curricular of (informal) education of Ukraine.

Scientific supervisors:

Oksana Oleksandrivna Savytska, candidate of historical sciences, state expert of the expert group on extracurricular education of the Directorate of preschool, extracurricular and inclusive education of the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine; Valdas Jankauskas, director of the Lithuanian Center for Children and Youth. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 31.05.2019 # 769 “On the implementation of the all-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical project on the topic “Model of provision of educational services in the system of out-of-school (informal) education” in certain districts of Donetsk, Poltava, and Lviv regions”.

The innovative educational project of the all-Ukrainian level on the topic “Healthy school model”

Relevance. Children's health and education are closely related. Quality education contributes to improving health, and good health is a prerequisite for receiving a proper education. In Ukraine, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the main challenge for public health. The greatest burden, both in terms of consequences for human life and health, and for the health care system, is made up of four main groups of diseases: diabetes, chronic respiratory, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Although most NCDs develop in adulthood, behavioral habits to protect one's own health are formed in childhood, children and young people are increasingly exposed to the main risk factors for the development of non-communicable diseases, in particular, such as reduced physical activity, unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol consumption and narcotic substances. Timely and effective measures to prevent NCDs in children and adolescents can significantly reduce morbidity rates and positively affect their quality of life in the future. In response to these challenges, the modern school must provide young people with the knowledge and help develop the skills and abilities necessary for a healthy and productive life in childhood and adolescence, as well as in later adulthood. Therefore, along with education and upbringing, the formation of health care competence is one of the main tasks of an educational institution. In order to promote the healthy and safe behavior of students, the educational institution must create conditions conducive to learning, successful socialization and harmonious development of children and adolescents, as well as guarantee and maintain safe conditions for all participants in the educational process. The formation of a safe and healthy educational environment requires solving a number of problems, in particular, related to the unpopularity among children and adolescents of the culture of healthy eating, a sedentary lifestyle, the prevalence of physical and psychological violence and bullying, the appropriate level of medical support for students, as well as in general, a non-systematic approach to the formation of culture of healthy and safe lifestyle in a family and community, insufficient cooperation of various social institutions in overcoming the mentioned problems. The “Healthy School Model” project aims to strengthen the role of general secondary education institutions in the prevention of non-infectious diseases and strengthening the health of students. To achieve this goal, the whole-school approach “Healthy School Model” will be applied, which involves coordinated activities of the educational institution's team in eight key areas: educational space, education in the field of health and safety, physical education and physical activity, healthy nutrition, medical service, socio-psychological service, training and health of educational institution employees, family and community involvement. The healthy school model is a systematic approach and a set of practical tools that ensure the involvement of all participants in the educational process in creating a healthy environment and monitoring specific indicators of its implementation in the educational institution. The presented model takes into account the organizational and human resources available in most educational institutions of Ukraine. As part of the project, measures aimed at reducing the prevalence of the main risk factors for the development of NCDs will be developed and implemented, their impact will be analyzed, examples of the most effective prevention measures in educational institutions will be collected, methodical materials and recommendations will be developed for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills and ensuring effective communication with students , teachers and parents on these topics, a tool for systematic monitoring of the educational environment in general secondary education institutions was developed and implemented. The formation and application by students of the competencies necessary for a healthy and safe life will contribute to the achievement of the global goals of sustainable development, declared by the UN (UN General Assembly Resolution #70/1 of September 25, 2015) and supported by Ukraine in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine of September 30, 2019 # 722 “On the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine for the period until 2030”. The implementation of the innovative project "Healthy school model" and its results will contribute to the implementation of the National action plan on non- communicable diseases to achieve the global goals of sustainable development (approved by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 26, 2018 No. 530), as well as the National strategy for the creation of a safe and healthy environment in the New Ukrainian School (approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated May 25, 2020 # 195/2020). All of the above determined the choice of the topic of the innovative project through
the implementation of the Healthy school model for 2021-2024.

Scientific supervisors:
Berezhna Tamila Ivanivna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Scientific secretary of the SSI “Institute of Education Content Modernization”.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated June 4, 2021 No. 626 "On the implementation of the innovative educational project at the all-Ukrainian level on the topic "Healthy school model" on the basis of general secondary education institutions of Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Poltava, Rivne and Kherson regions for April 2021-October 2024".

The Innovative educational project of the all-Ukrainian level on the topic “Development and implementation of educational and methodological support for institutions of general secondary education in the conditions of implementation of the State standard of basic secondary education”

Relevance of research. Ukrainian society is experiencing an important and difficult time of creation of the New Ukrainian School in the context of the modern development of education in Ukraine. The educational reform brings general secondary education institutions to a new organizational and conceptual level regarding the implementation and practical implementation of the strategy of modern social development and the implementation of the State standard of basic secondary education (hereinafter referred to as the State standard). The Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Comprehensive General Secondary Education", the Concept "New Ukrainian School" on reforming education, and other normative documents set strategic directions for its reconstruction. The reform involves changing the goals and main tasks of education, in particular basic general secondary education in accordance with the modern educational paradigm and global trends in the development of national educational systems.

Achieving the new goals of the Ukrainian school requires a constant search for ways to modernize the content of education. This will require the implementation of fundamentally new tools, pedagogical and methodical, which should be based on person-oriented and competence-based approaches to learning, take into account the age-specific characteristics of the child's physical, mental and mental development at each level of education, and focus on students'; acquisition of the skills and abilities necessary for a modern person for successful self-realization in personal life, professional and social activities. The implementation of the new content of education at the level of basic secondary education should be carried out taking into account the principle of continuity and perspective with the achievements of the primary level of education. This determines, first of all, the definition of content-resultative coherence in all educational fields, in anticipation of the complexity of the process of adaptation of primary school graduates to study in the 5th grade. The implementation of the competence approach requires systematic development, the creation of educational and methodological complexes, the development of modern methods and technologies of education, where the target and methodical guidelines of competence-oriented education should be deployed, indicating the priority methods of educational interaction, the features of integration, evaluation, etc. Therefore, educational and methodical support should be developed as a complete didactic and methodical system that is constantly developing. Updating the content and teaching methods of basic school students is due to the need for systematic use of the opportunities of general secondary education for the implementation of personally oriented education and the creation of scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. The existing educational and methodical provision of basic education is insufficiently effective and will not allow the full implementation of the competence approach in practice, ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the new state standard.

Scientific supervisors:
Rohova Vira Borysivna, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine; Yury Ivanovich Zavalevsky, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, First Deputy Director of the SSI "Institute of Education Content Modernization"; Oleg Mykhailovych Topuzov, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, full member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (hereinafter - NAPN of Ukraine), honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, vice-president of NAPN of Ukraine, director of the Institute of Pedagogy of NAPN.

The innovative educational project of the all-Ukrainian level on the topic “Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a vital environment for participants in the educational process in a general secondary education institution” for 2022-2026 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 16, 2022 # 250)

The purpose of the experiment is to scientifically and theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for creating a vital environment of a general secondary education institution.
Achieving the goal of the research involves the following tasks: on the basis of the analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical sources, clarify the meaning of the concept of "life-value environment", "formation of life-value environment"; to characterize the criteria, indicators and levels of effectiveness of the formation of the life-value environment of the institution of general secondary education, to select a diagnostic toolkit; to scientifically and theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions for creating a vital environment of a general secondary education institution; to develop and experimentally verify the structural and functional model of the formation of the vital environment of the institution of general secondary education; to develop educational-methodical, didactic support for the problem of forming a vital environment of a general secondary education institution; to develop a system of teacher training for the formation of a life-value environment of a general secondary education institution; to develop a program of training classes on the topic of socio-pedagogical partnership in the educational process of the institution.

“Management of the implementation of the innovative model of the educational association” for 2016-2022 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 2, 2016 # 1318)

Base of the experriment:

Brovary educational and educational association of the Brovary city council of the
Kyiv region.
Research supervisor - Kyrylenko Svitlana Volodymyrivna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Head of the Department of Innovative Activities and Research and Experimental Work of the SSI "Institute of Education Content Modernization".

The purpose of the research is to check experimentally the effectiveness of the management of the implementation of the model of the Brovary educational and educational association as one of the organizational conditions for the effectiveness of the innovative development of the educational institution.

Objectives of the study:
determine forms, approaches, management technologies and check their effectiveness in the conditions of implementation of the innovative model of the Brovary educational and educational association; check the compliance of the selected management principles and objectives of the developed version of the model; to ensure a high-quality level of management culture of the leadership of the Brovary educational and educational association; to ensure management of the process of formation and influence of a favorable educational space on the formation of a successful and competitive graduate through continuous personality development in a multidimensional educational institution; to ensure the functioning of a holistic educational system aimed at the formation of a graduate as a creative citizen personality, specialist; to carry out an analysis of the effectiveness of the management system for the implementation of the innovative model of the Brovary educational and educational association.

“Development and implementation of educational and methodological support of the integrated course “Natural Sciences” for 2018-2022 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 3, 2018 # 836)

Base of the experiment:
142 institutions of general secondary education of Ukraine.
Scientific supervisors – Ilchenko Vira Romanivna, active member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the department of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Zasekina Tetyana Mykolaivna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, senior research fellow, Deputy Director of Research and Experimental Work at the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Shabanov Dmytro Andriyovych, doctor of biological sciences, professor of Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin; Zavalevsky Yury Ivanovich, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, First Deputy Director of the SS "Institute of Education Content Modernization"; Stepaniuk Alla Vasylivna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department of general biology and methods of teaching natural sciences at Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk, professor; Dyomina Inna Oleksandrivna, biochemist, biotechnologist, teacher of biology, chemistry, natural science, co-founder of the ScienceGen, school of modern sciences and the SOM.Science educational project.
The goal is the design, scientific substantiation of the didactic principles of creation and experimental verification of educational and methodological support of the integrated courses "Natural Sciences", preparation and retraining of teaching staff.

Objectives of the study:
scientific substantiation of the didactic foundations of the creation of educational and methodological support for integrated courses; design and development of educational and methodological support for integrated courses; preparation of teachers for implementation of the course in educational practice; implementation of experimental training; provision of mentoring support for teachers of experimental educational institutions; monitoring the effectiveness of experiment results; summarizing the results of experimental training, adjusting the educational and methodological support of the integrated course; informing the pedagogical community and the public about the progress and results of the experiment.

“Psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of a socially successful personality of an elementary school student” for September 2018 – August 2023 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 8, 2018 #887)

Base of the experiment:
institutions of general secondary education: No. 304, No. 31, No. 3, No. 256, teaching and educational complex “Obolon", LLC" Collegium "Olymp" of Kyiv. Scientific supervisors –Mytnyk Oleksandr Yakovych, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Practical Psychology of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the M. P. Dragomanov State University; Panok Vitaly Hryhorovych, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, Director of the Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center of Practical Psychology and Social Work of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The purpose of the study is to develop, scientifically substantiate the psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of a socially successful personality of a primary school student and to verify experimentally the influence of the developed support on the state of formation of the phenomenon under study.

Objectives of the study:
to study and analyze the state of development of the formation problem of socially successful personality of a primary school student in scientific literature; to develop and scientifically substantiate the content, structure, criteria and indicators of the formation of a socially successful personality of a primary school student and the readiness of the teacher and parents to form the personality; to develop a diagnostic toolkit for identifying the state of formation of a socially successful personality of a primary school student and the readiness of teachers and parents to form the personality; to develop and theoretically substantiate a program for the formation of a socially successful personality of an elementary school student, the components of
which are the development of conceptual thinking, the emotional intelligence of a primary school student and the education of value orientations, which will include work with children of junior school age, their parents and teachers; to reveal the dynamics of the formation of a socially successful personality of a primary school student and the readiness of a teacher and parents for the formation of the personality.

“Development of a creative personality in the artistic and educational space of the lyceum of arts” for 2021-2026 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 30, 2021 # 942)

Kherson Tavri Lyceum of the Kherson City Council.

Scientific supervisor –Komarovska Oksana Anatoliivna, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Head of the Laboratory of Aesthetic Education and Art Education of the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The purpose of the study is to develop, scientifically justify and experimentally verify the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of a creative personality in the artistic and educational space of the Lyceum of Arts. Objectives of the study: to study the state of development of the problem of creative personality development in pedagogical theory and practice; to justify the system of criteria for evaluating the levels of development of a creative personality in the artistic and educational space of the Lyceum of Arts; to create diagnostic support for assessing the levels of development of a creative personality in the artistic and educational space of the lyceum of arts; to theoretically substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of a creative personality in the artistic and educational space of the lyceum of arts; to develop a structural and functional model of an artistic and educational space for the development of a creative personality, which reflects the theatrical, visual, musical and choreographic directions of the educational training of lyceum students; to develop pedagogical technologies for the involvement of lyceum students in independent creative activities in theatrical, visual, musical and choreographic areas of educational training of lyceum students; to develop pedagogical methods of implementing a structural-functional model of artistic and educational space for the development of a creative personality in the conditions of theatrical, visual, musical and choreographic directions of educational training of lyceum students; experimentally check the pedagogical effectiveness of the implementation of the structural-functional model of the artistic-educational space for the development of the creative personality; experimentally check the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies involvement of lyceum students in independent creative activities in theatrical, visual, musical and choreographic areas of educational training of lyceum students; to experimentally check the effectiveness of pedagogical methods of implementing a structural and functional model of an artistic and educational space for the development of a creative personality in the conditions of theatrical, visual,
musical and choreographic directions of educational training of lyceum students.

“Organizational and pedagogical conditions for providing corrective assistance to children with visual impairments” for June 2021-April 2026 (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 17, 2021 # 911)

Base of the study:
Kamianets-Podilskyi special school of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council.

Scientific supervisor –Grebenyuk Tetiana Mykolaivna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Ophthalmology and Ophthalmology of the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education of the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov.

The purpose of the study is theoretical justification and experimental verification of the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions for providing corrective assistance to children with visual impairments.

Objectives of the study:
to determine the degree of development of the problem of correctional and educational work with students with visual impairments in pedagogical theory and social and educational practice; develop a set of diagnostic measures aimed at identifying potential opportunities and needs of students with visual impairments; determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions for providing corrective assistance to students with visual impairments; ensure that teachers of special educational institutions, educational institutions with an inclusive form of education, specialists of inclusive resource centers and parents of children with visual impairments are familiarized with the organizational and pedagogical conditions for providing corrective assistance to students with visual impairments; to introduce into the practice of special schools for children with visual impairments the specified organizational and pedagogical conditions for providing corrective assistance to students with visual impairments; to establish the effectiveness of the implementation
of the defined organizational and pedagogical conditions for the provision of corrective assistance to students with visual impairments; to develop a general concept regarding the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for providing corrective assistance to students with visual impairments.

“Continuity system in the development of professional mobility of future teachers in the “lyceum-college” complex for 2018-2024 (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.27.2018 # 1449)

Base of the study – the communal higher educational institution of the Kyiv Regional Council "Bilotserki Humanitarian and Pedagogical College" and the Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of the State Higher Education Institution "University of Education Management" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Scientific supervisor –Kondratova Lyudmila Hryhorivna, associate professor of the Department of Open Educational Systems and ICT of the State Higher Education Institution "University of Education Management" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor.

The goal is to create pedagogical conditions for the formation of a succession system and the development of professional mobility of future teachers in the educational process of the "lyceum-college" complex.

Objectives of the study:
to develop and implement the concept of activity of the "lyceum-college" complex in the conditions of the Kyiv region; to develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of a complex of the latest learning technologies in order to form a succession system and criteria for evaluating the development of professional mobility of future teachers; to develop, test and experimentally verify the pedagogical conditions and effectiveness of the targeted comprehensive development program of the "lyceum-college" complex within Kyiv region; to collect, test and implement a complex of the latest technologies and training methods for the problem of professional mobility of future teachers, pedagogical conditions for the formation of a system of succession and professional mobility of future teachers in the educational activities of the "lyceum-college" complex within the Kyiv region; to form an innovative environment in the educational process by introducing domestic and foreign experience, a complex of the latest learning technologies in the development of professional mobility of future teachers; determine the level of formation of key competencies and professional skills of graduates and the level of development of their professional mobility.